【Manga.まんが】Detoxifying effects! 毒抜き効果!/vegetables/ fruits/seaweeds/mushrooms. 野菜/果物/海藻/きのこ。



It is important to get enough protein and other necessary nutrients through your regular diet.


The key is to increase the amount of fruits/vegetables/seaweed/mushrooms you eat in addition to your current regular diet. These have the effect of expelling harmful toxins from the body, and increasing your intake is kind to both your body and your wallet, and many of them contain noteworthy functional nutrients.          Vegetables that are particularly suitable are those from the Allium tribe and Brassicaceae.


In terms of the amount of increase, for example, in the case of green onions, Chinese cabbage, cabbage, etc., there should be no problem with an increase of several hundred grams per person per day. For example, depending on the variety, in the case of garlic, the increase may be limited to a single clove.      


Please be careful of residual pesticides on fruits and vegetables. Add 10g (1%) of baking soda to 1 litre of water and soak for 12 minutes to remove pesticides from fruits and vegetables with complex shapes that are difficult to wash, such as grapes and broccoli. This amount of baking soda is harmless.


Finally, scrub with a brush or cloth to remove up to 96% of the pesticides.


There are many ways to cook it other than just stir-frying it in butter. Even something as simple as adding more vegetables to miso soup can make a difference in the long run.

✡毒抜きとは、ガンや認知症、血栓などの根本的原因防止の肉体面効果だけで無く、人の本体である「神の分けみ魂」 ≒太陽 にかかるぶ厚い黒い毒雲が段々と薄くなり、又は無くなってくる様なもので、魂自身や、周りの毒素の曇りの為減光してしまった魂の霊光(オーラ)の輝きが段々と復活して来ることを意味します

✡Detoxification not only has a physical effect of preventing the underlying causes of diseases such as cancer, dementia, and blood clots, but also means that the brilliance of the spiritual light (aura) of the soul, which is the true essence of a person (i.e., the “divided soul of God”), that has become dimmed due to the clouding of toxins in the surrounding area, gradually returns to normal,It is like the thick, black poisonous cloud hanging over the sun gradually thinning or disappearing.



Even though it is invisible to the eye, the light of the intelligence, emotion, and will of God the Parent, the universe through God’s eternal great life, and the waves of the great spirit increase, and the life force that was weakened by the poison and “wrapped and withered” is revived, making it easier to grasp and obtain God’s will, and making it easier to interact with the higher spiritual world.

It is also significant that in this “end of the world,” it is recognized as a person who is taking the initiative in practicing the “reform of the soul” that God strongly urges from His children in order to build a true civilization.

