Since you are children of God (eternal living beings), whatever position or job you currently hold, or whether you are rich or poor, happy or unhappy, is merely one stage in your training as a child of God.
Moreover, you must not forget that this is the fruit of your actions during your rebirth and reincarnation according to the appropriate principles.
✡ この世の不幸現象の何事もあくまでも(永遠の生命体の中での)本人の過去世の厳粛な原因あっての結果のクリーニング、又は鍛えであります。
✡All misfortunes in this world are ultimately the result of cleaning or training that has had a solemn cause in the individual’s past life (among eternal life forms).
In other words, it is a cleaning phenomenon that makes everything better. Along with apologies for the taint, we should be grateful for everything.
Unless one escapes from impurities such as anger, resentment, hatred, jealousy and complaints the generation of thought poisons from providence will not stop, progress in detoxifying will not progress, and spiritually, one’s soul will not be able to be purified and elevated.