Law of Health. 健の理/Fever.Cough. Diarrhea. 熱。咳。下痢。健康の為の摂理 


Let us respect God’s natural law, the “Law of Health.”


Fever dissolves toxins, and diarrhea, skin diseases, coughing, nosebleeds, and discolored urine are all God’s way of expelling toxins. 

少し我慢をして慌てて「◯◯止め剤」などで簡単に止めないようにしましょう。 出終われば自然に止まります。発熱も安静に暖かくしていれば毒を溶かす目的を達すれば自然と平熱に戻って行きます。

Be patient and do not rush into trying to stop it easily with “anti-inflammatory drugs”. It will stop naturally once it has finished. If you keep your body warm and at rest, your temperature will naturally return to normal once the purpose of dissolving the toxins has been achieved.


Because something that should not be stopped is stopped, the toxins in the body that should be expelled are prevented from being excreted, and gradually increase in the body, until Providence is forced to increase its will to expel them, and eventually it will even try to expel the toxins by using viruses that humanity cannot stop.


People who are good at detoxifying themselves are less likely to get sick, and if they do get sick, it will be a milder illness. Even “Law of health ” such as diarrhea, fever, coughing, and phlegm will decrease.


