Medicine,use only when necessary.一時やむ得ない時のみ使用するもの【クスリ】

  1.  あなた達が、薬(くすり)、薬(くすり)と有難(ありがた)がり、蟻(あり)が砂糖に群がる如くの今の世、真に哀(あわ)れでありお知らせますが、クスリは砂糖では有りません。
  2. It is truly pitiful that in this world you are so grateful for medicine, medicine!, like ants flocking to sugar, and I want to let you know that medicine is not sugar.
  3.  行き過ぎたなら人類の霊力を失い霊身幽身肉身固まり、災厄死の元となります 。肉体が天寿まで持ちこたえ得なくなります 。
  4. If it is taken too far, humanity will lose its spiritual power, and the spirit and body will harden, which will lead to disaster and death.
  5.  その本質をわきまえ一時やむを得ない時のみに用いるのがクスリ(元は草かんむりに毒)であります。
  6. The body will no longer be able to last until the end of its natural lifespan. Medicine (originally poison with a grass crown) should only be used when it is unavoidable, while understanding its true nature.
  7.  一時の方便にて(草木の毒にて寝を楽しませなん心)、神代神にも使わさせ、神よりヒトに使う方法を教えたのはもともと神であるからには、その行き過ぎが起こったことが、とても可哀想(かわいそう)でならない世となってしまった故に明らかにします。
  8. It was only a temporary expedient (the poison of plants and trees is meant to make sleep enjoyable), and it was originally a god who had it used by the gods in the Age of the Gods, and who taught humans how to use it, so I will make it clear that this excess has occurred, and it has become a very sad world.


It is truly pitiful that in this world you are so grateful for medicine, medicine!, like ants flocking to sugar, and I want to let you know that medicine is not sugar.

 行き過ぎたなら人類の霊力を失い霊身幽身肉身固まり、災厄死の元となります 。肉体が天寿まで持ちこたえ得なくなります 。

If it is taken too far, humanity will lose its spiritual power, and the spirit and body will harden, which will lead to disaster and death.


The body will no longer be able to last until the end of its natural lifespan. Medicine (originally poison with a grass crown) should only be used when it is unavoidable, while understanding its true nature.


It was only a temporary expedient (the poison of plants and trees is meant to make sleep enjoyable), and it was originally a god who had it used by the gods in the Age of the Gods, and who taught humans how to use it, so I will make it clear that this excess has occurred, and it has become a very sad world.

