毒矢抜取り毒廻り止めるに専心。Remove toxins from the soul, mind and body, and do not introduce new toxins. 魂心肉体の毒抜き、新たな毒を入れない


Concentrate on extracting the poison darts and stopping the poisoning as soon as possible. 


In today’s world, we should do true karma. Such a person is the real person in his true form. Heaven’s time is progressing without rest.

✡毒抜きとは、ガンや認知症、血栓などの根本防止の肉体面効果だけで無く、人の本体である「神の分けみ魂 ≒太陽 」にかかる”厚い黒い毒雲”が段々と薄くなり、又は無くなってくる様なもので、魂自身や、周りの毒素の曇りの為減光してしまった魂の霊光(オーラ)の輝きが段々と復活して来ます。 

✡ Detoxification not only has a physical effect of preventing the root causes of cancer, dementia, blood clots, etc., but it is like the “thick, black cloud of poison” that hangs over the “divided spirit of God = the sun” which is the true essence of a person gradually thins or disappears, and the brilliance of the spiritual light (aura) of the soul, which has become dimmed due to the clouding of the toxins in the soul itself and in the surrounding area, gradually returns to life.


As the light of the intellect, emotion, and will of God the Parent, and the eternal life of God, exchanges with the universe and the waves of the Spirit increase, the life force that was “wrapped and withered” by poison is revived, it becomes easier to grasp and obtain God’s will, and it becomes possible and easier to exchange with the higher spiritual world. Now, in the “end of the world,” it is most directly connected to the “repentance of soul” that God strongly requests of His children for the sake of true civilization, and people who practice repentance are recognized by God.

