Evil has existed in the world and has blossomed ever since, so it is only natural that humans have become unable to understand why the world and life are like this; however, evil does not exist in nature; everything is good.
The reason why evil exists is because God’s system requires that humans understand good and see that good prospers and evil perishes in the future, otherwise humans will not progress; therefore, God has no choice but to place evil in the system as a temporary thing.
天狗の鼻は出過ぎている故、いずれヘシ折られます。 ヘシ折られるまで、金と時間と身体をアクセク悪焦く生きるだけが人間界と成るのではありません。
A Tengu (arrogant person)’s nose sticks out too much, so it will eventually be broken. The human world is not just about living a frantic life grabbing money, time, and body until that happens.
- 世の中悪(あく)も通って参り、その花咲かせ申し来ました故に、世間や人生も、何故なのか判らぬよう人間がなったのは、もっともではありますが、悪は本来無きもので、一切は善(ぜん)であります。
- Evil has existed in the world and has blossomed ever since, so it is only natural that humans have become unable to understand why the world and life are like this; however, evil does not exist in nature; everything is good.
- 悪を置いてあるのは、善を判らせ、後々には善栄え悪亡(ほろ)ぶよう見せなければ人間が進歩しない為、悪いこと仮のものとして置いて置かざるを得ない神の仕組(しく)みの方便であります。
- The reason why evil exists is because God’s system requires that humans understand good and see that good prospers and evil perishes in the future, otherwise humans will not progress; therefore, God has no choice but to place evil in the system as a temporary thing.
- 天狗の鼻は出過ぎている故、いずれヘシ折られます。 ヘシ折られるまで、金と時間と身体をアクセク悪焦く生きるだけが人間界と成るのではありません。
- A Tengu (arrogant person)’s nose sticks out too much, so it will eventually be broken. The human world is not just about living a frantic life grabbing money, time, and body until that happens.