Hand power.真光の業(わざ)/A quick and easy detoxification process guaranteed by God.神の保証する手っ取り早い毒抜き業。

 (汚れを)詰め込んだのは贖(あがな)いで浄化出来ると言っても、一生中々容易(たやす )く洗濯しても取れない事、白布に墨、現代のインク、ペンキなどこぼしたと同じと思いなさい。余程のことを神に詫びる証明をしなければならないのです。

Even if you can cleanse the dirt that has been stuffed into your body through atonement, it is not something that can be washed away easily throughout your life. It is like spilling ink, modern ink, or paint on a white cloth. You must show great apology to God.


Once one has become deflated, the deficiency is within oneself, and so illness, poverty, disasters, and other problems of cleaning (misogi) will appear one after another, and one will be unable to prevent them.Then, rather than being reborn in the next life, one will fall into a state where one’s soul is forced to reincarnate (be reborn as something other than human).


包み積む事こそ曲者(くせもの)と悟りなさい。                と共に、与えた(注記✡)「真光の業(まひかりのわざ)」の有難さを大切にしなさい。       この世で当分のあいだ、これよりも手っ取り早い包み罪を摘(つ)み取ってしまう(毒抜き)業は、受け得ないと思いなさい。

Realize that piling up all the sins is a tricky thing. At the same time, cherish the gratitude for the “Mahikari no waza” that has been given to you (note ✡). Realize that for the time being in this world, you will not be able to receive a quicker work that will remove your sins (detoxify them) than this.

✡毒抜きとは、ガンや認知症、血栓などの根本的原因防止の肉体面効果だけで無く、人の本体である「神の分けみ魂 ≒太陽」にかかる厚い黒い毒雲が段々と薄くなり、又は無くなってくる様なもので、魂自身や、周りの毒素の曇りの為減光してしまった魂の霊光(オーラ)の輝きが段々と復活して来ます。 



✡ Detoxification is not only a physical effect of preventing the root causes of cancer, dementia, blood clots, etc., but also a gradual thinning or disappearance of the thick black poisonous clouds hanging over the “divided soul of God = the sun” that is the true essence of a person, and the brilliance of the soul’s spiritual light (aura) that had dimmed due to the clouding of the toxins in the soul itself and the surroundings gradually returns.

The light of the wisdom, emotion, and will of God the Parent, the universe through God’s eternal great life, and the waves of the great spirit increase, the vitality that had been weakened by the poison and “wrapped and withered” is revived, it becomes easier to grasp and obtain God’s will, and it becomes easier to interact with the higher spiritual world.

Now, in the “Eschatology,” you are recognized as a person who is practicing the “conversion of the soul” that God strongly requests of His children for the sake of true civilization.

注記(「真光の業(手かざしによるまひかりのわざ)」は、神の委託を受けた団体が、日本の伊豆市から世界に展開して執り行っています。(✡3日間の研修により可能となる)(https://www.mahikari.or.jp/)研修後は不思議な事に手から神の光が放射される様になります。           神は多くの人が少しの無理をして、そして超忙しい人でも片時を捉えての実践を勧めています。

Note: “Mahikari no waza ( Mahikari no waza by laying on of hands)” is performed by an organization entrusted with the divine mission, which has expanded from Izu City, Japan to the world. (✡This can be achieved by attending a 3-day training course.) (https://www.mahikari.or.jp/)             After the training, you will mysteriously begin to radiate divine light from your hands.             God encourages many people to make a little effort, and even those who are extremely busy, to find time to practice this.


