Psychic intuition and dangerous spirit. 霊勘と、危ない霊感。


“Inspiration” is below. Rather dangerous. We regard “spirit intuition” as important.

而(しか)して「勘」を得るには己心浄く正しく、              善と言っても、            人間の言う善い悪いでは無くて、    神より見ての善し悪し、        即ち正法の善、            大乗の善にして、           心浄く、               水晶の魂となり、           且つ神のみ役に立たん精進の人であれば、神の妙智の光たやすく流れ込まさせ得ますので、               汝等(あなた達)は正しく善き勘の人となり、                神と想いの波を合わせ得るに至り、多くの人々を救い、          天国に住する人となります。

Therefore, in order to obtain “intuition”, one must be pure and righteous, and even though it is said to be good, it is not what humans call good and evil, but good and evil as seen from God’s point of view. And if you are a diligent person who wants to serve God, you can easily let the light of God’s wisdom flow in, so you will become a person of righteousness and good intuition, and you will be able to match the waves of your thoughts with God, will you save the many people of the world and live in heaven.

