Providence. 摂理/ the law that creates something from nothing, makes it exist and gives it life, and on which God and all life live. 無より有を生じ実在させ生かし、神も万生も乗り行くべき法則。


Divine Principle (Providence) is God-riding.

神意神力(しんいしんりき)が乗り写り、移って、             無より有(無=0=霊 霊の物質化現象)に生まれさせて、         無と有を共に存在・実在させることにより、永久に生き・生かして行く法則・神も万生も乗り行くべきの法則です。

It is the law that God and all life should ride by making God and Divine Power ride and transfer and be born into being from nothing (nothingness = 0 = materialization phenomenon of spirits) and making nothingness and existence exist together, God and all life should ride.

