神の光とみ力。The subtle concept of God and His light and power of deep grace. 捉え難い神の概念と、深い恩恵の神の光とみ力。

 汝等(あなた達)は「神」と一口に言います。               名前を唱えるのは結構ですが、大神は大き過ぎて普通では判らぬもので、判ったと思ったならば、大神では無いと知りなさい。 大神は奥の奥のそのまた奥のものと、あなたに知らせ置いた通りです。


You just say “God”. It is fine to recite the name, but the Great God is too big to be understood by ordinary people. It is just as I told you that the great god is the one in the back, the back, the back, and the back.

But you, masters, cannot live even for a moment, let alone do great work, unless you receive some measure of God’s light and power.

