Accumulated dirt and impurities. 包み積み・穢れ/ The root cause of illness,misfortune, and disaster. 病気・不幸不運・災厄の因果の大元。



 遂に汝等(あなた達)は霊止(人)としての霊力を失いゆくだけです。     贖(あがな)いのミソギハラヒ、即ちあなた達の言う病気や不幸不運災厄(さいやく)を自ら招く人となるのは必定(ひつじょう)なのです。

Your human soul is naturally pure and bright. What was once the Eucharist of the Holy Spirit is wrapped up, defiled, and made cloudy, and it becomes impossible to receive the light of God as it is by the appropriate reason, and it only just gets dirty and cloudy. Ultimately, you will only lose your spiritual power as a spirit. It is inevitable that I will become a cleaning “Misogiharahi” of redemption, that is, a person who invites the illnesses and misfortunes that you call yourself.

