Provisional Science and theology of spiritual wisdom.仮の科学と、霊的智(みち)の神学。

 汝等(あなた達)が軽々しく語る「科学」は仮科学です。化けものの化け学の化学です。              何時まで経ってもこれでは本物の科学は把握出来ません。神より一切与えられたものの加工学です。

汝等(あなた達)が「学問致さなければ進歩無し」と思うのは尤もです。しかし学問のみで行こうとすれば、人智の限界を超えることは中々出来ません。  いや、実は夢で終わってしまいます。霊智(みち)に元還りしなさい。本来人間は神の生んだ神の現れとして存在させているからには、元は神の子の為に、諸々のすがた、万象創って「自然」として存在させているものなのです。


The “science” you talk about lightly is a provisional science. It’s the chemistry of temporary science. No matter how much time passes, we cannot grasp the real science with this. It is the processing of things that are all given by God.

It is only natural for you to think that there is no progress without learning. However, if you try to go only with academics, you can not easily go beyond the limits of human intellect. No, actually it ends in a dream. Return to spiritual wisdom. Originally, human beings exist as a manifestation of God who gave birth to God, so they are originally made to exist as “nature” by creating various shapes and phenomena for the sake of God’s children.

If you want to know true Science, then finally human wisdom + the God’s wisdom is important. You have no choice but to devote ourselves to learning the law of eternal prosperity.

