The waves and sections of human life. 人生人類の波と節。


For those who turn to God, no matter how painful phenomena occur, “God’s mechanism of salvation is behind it, and God is behind it.”


For this reason, there are always turning points in the progress of human life, and at those points God usually “kills several birds with one stone.”


Every time there is a section, wisdom advances and ingenuity increases. In a good way, they become smarter and more capable, which is the source of human progress.

従って、節は霊的に、物的、体的に幸への階段なのです。          故(ゆえ)に古来「艱難(かんなん)汝(なんじ)を玉にす」などの諺(ことわざ)や歌があるわけです。

Therefore, the sections are steps to spiritual, material and physical happiness.That is why there are ancient proverbs and songs such as, “Adversity makes thee a gem.”

